I went hard on this recipe when I first made it - serving it a few times a month. It got to the point that PK refused to keep eating it. So it was out of rotation for a while. But it’s back! And boy am I glad that it is. It’s so satisfying and different enough that it feels special for a weeknight. Plus it’s hearty and made with lentils - great for my #healthyish and #lessmeatfortheplanet diet.
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Curried lentil, tomato and coconut soup
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I went hard on this recipe when I first made it - serving it a few times a month. It got to the point that PK refused to keep eating it. So it was out of rotation for a while. But it’s back! And boy am I glad that it is. It’s so satisfying and different enough that it feels special for a weeknight. Plus it’s hearty and made with lentils - great for my #healthyish and #lessmeatfortheplanet diet.