Hi there. 👋👋👋
I’m Ellisa. And I really, really care about what I eat for dinner. Partly because every morning, while he’s still eating breakfast, my 5-year-old Hector is already pestering me, “what’s for dinner?” But mostly because I love to cook and share a meal.
This newsletter is dedicated to the weeknight meals I cook my family — both when I make something amazing, and when I don’t. It’s a celebration of eating together and how damn hard it is to get a family meal on the table. I share what I made for dinner: how I did it and how it turned out.
I usually post on Thursday nights, after my kids go to bed. But this is free, so don't hold me to it 😜. Maybe I’ll inspire you to cook like a mother too.
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Mom (obviously). Home cook (clearly). Liberal salter. Has a day job. Way too enthusiastic about cannellini beans.
I'm not afraid to cut my own bangs.